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Golf Turf

The putting of a golf ball requires control of the speed and direction and an understanding of the interaction between the ball and the putting green by the golfer.

Recent Playbook Articles

Fire Retardant Mesh – Sports Netting & Batting Cages

The majority of netting in the marketplace is not naturally fire retardant. Due to accidents and increased regulation by local Fire Marshals, fire codes for batting cage and other sports facilities using netting are becoming more strict for products that will hang/drape inside a building, which may obstruct exit[…]

DIY Batting Cage

So you want to build your own batting cage? You are probably wondering where to start (don’t worry most do!), so we will give you some recommendations on best practices, and different hardware setups we offer based on where you are putting the DIY batting cage. A home DIY batting[…]

Revolutionize Your Apartment Facility with Dog Park Equipment

Are you looking to take your apartment facility to the next level, offering a dynamic and engaging space for both residents and their furry companions? Look no further than revolutionizing your outdoor area with state-of-the-art dog park equipment. Let’s delve into the myriad benefits and[…]

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