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Baseball & Softball Practice Screens

CurtainCage collapsible batting cage is the easiest way to safely install your net. It's the most popular indoor batting cage kit in the industry because it's easily collapsible for space saving storage. The majority of our customers building a cage at home prefer CurtainCage but it's also used in indoor sports facilities nationwide.

ShellCage multi-lane batting cage features sliding divider curtains. The easily collapse curtains allow you to quickly an create open the space for fielding and other activities, making this our most popular choice for indoor facilities.

AirCage retractable batting cage retracts to your ceiling in minutes, so that you can open your sports facility for other activities.

nCage in-ground batting cage frames offer a range of options from basic home kits to heavy duty professional frames. Inserted into the ground for stability, yet portable! Frame poles slip into Ground-Sleeves (concreted), allowing for off-season storage.

Above Ground frames - We also offer a selection of light duty above Ground frames if your cage needs to be portable or if you can't dig to set the ground sleeves needed for our nCage frames.

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Don’t hire a sports facility installer until you read this [Top 5 Questions To Ask] …

[Before Booking your Sports Facility Installation] – Use our Sports Facility Install Guide. What You’ll Learn: Discover why some bids are lower. Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Installer (before ordering) The 4 types of installers you’ll encounter in your search. Sports facility installation can be a tricky business. It’s[…]

Chain Link Fence Topper | Protect Kids, Pets, and Fences

Chain link fences are a popular way to enclose yard space due to low-cost and the ease of installation. However, the exposed twist (or barb) on top is potentially harmful to people and pets. Luckily, it’s easy to minimize hazards and weather damage with a chain link fence topper.[…]

Batting Cage Turf FAQ

Here at Practice Sports, we frequently receive questions about batting cage turf. Consequently, we’ve come up with this list of answers to the most common questions. What is the most economical batting cage turf for someone with a limited budget? Fortunately, there are several options that are less[…]

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