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How To Order

How To Order


AirCage Electric Retractable Batting Cage Pricing

The more info our AirCage Experts have about your facility the easier and faster it is to deliver you an accurate estimate for turnkey installation.

In a hurry? Take a look at some quick Budget Numbers.

Floor to Ceiling - Batter's & Pitcher's End

A few floor to ceiling shots (from various angles) of the potenial AirCage installation area will orient us in your facility.


Widescale shots that capture ceiling and floor allow us to see the potential installation area of the AirCage in relation to the entire structure.

Potential Obstructions

Please take a photo of any obstructions within the potential footprint of the Aircage.

Widescale shots help us visualize how the cage will work in relation to obstacles.

Closeups make it difficult to see the obstructions in relation to the ceiling structure.

Don't Forget
You can email your photos to us at

Contact Info

AirCage Info

AirCage Dimensions

Cage 1 Length Width Height

Cage 2 Length Width Height

AirCage Type

Installation Info

  • Our installaion crew is often booked 4 - 8 weeks out
  • Once onsite installation usually requires less than 36 hours
Do You Require Installation?

Please Enter Your Installation Deadline

Facility Info

Please select the building style that best fits your facility.

  • Spaced Consistently
  • Wide Beam Spacing
  • High Ceilings (Over 30 ft)
  • Multiple Obstructions
  • Finished or Drop Ceilings


Length Width Ceiling Height

Tip: Don’t have a tape measure handy? Count wall blocks to get a measurement of your facility.
Will Cage Run Parallel or Perpendicular to Beams?

Beam Spacing

Additional key details.
For example: gym is on the second floor; in the basement; stairs leading to space, etc. Anything unique about your space which may affect cage operation or installation.


Is there access for a scissor lift in the area where the cage will be installed?

Is there ground level entrance into the area where the cage will be installed? *

Is the use of a self-propelled scissor lift on the gym floor OK? * If not, an additional charge for labor will be quoted. 8-10, 4’ x 8’ sheets of plywood must be furnished by facility.

What are the hours our crew will be permitted to work? *

Is there available power or inside power that can be ran outside for our installation vehicle while we are on site?

What is the distance to the closest and level area to park our installation vehicle? The approximate size of our vehicle is comparable to a tour bus or a large motor home.

That's It!

  1. We told you it was easy.
  2. We may need additional info to finalize your numbers, so please double check your contact info for accuracy.
  3. To receive Your Estimate within a few business days, just press:


*The specs provided must be accurate and your organization is responsible for the accuracy, unless PS is hired to visit the job-site in advance. This info will be used to fabricate your parts upon receipt of order. If you are unsure about the accuracy of your dimensions, please note this in the comments. If unable to obtain accurate specs, please consider hiring a local contractor or contact us to discuss options.

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