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Playset Accessories For Backyard Decks

Nearby parks not open?

Kids getting too much screen time?

Add hours of play-filled fun to your exisitng deck or backyard playset with these easy to install accessories. They’re perfect for DIY moms and dads looking to add more play to the backyard.

All items sold as-is. Accessories may need to be modified on-site to fit existing sturcture. Customer bears all responsibility for ensuring safe play with these items.

Climbing Features

Keep your children active and moving by adding one of these great climbing features to your existing backyard deck or playset.

Water Features

We think the parents are actually going to have more fun than the kids with these add-on Water Features for your backyard decks and playsets. (I’m especially looking at you, Water Cannon.)

Interactive Add-ons

Our Playful Add-ons (we call them ‘interactives’ in the biz) can be added to any deck to give active kids the interactivity that little brains crave. Experts call it tactile learning. We call it having fun.


Attach one of our swings to your existing deck to bring some added play-value and fun to your backyard this summer. (And the next. And the summer after that.) All swings sold as-is. May need to be modified on-site to fit your existing deck height.

Other Accessories

So this is that category (of fun) that’s for all of those deck and playset add-ons that don’t quite fit in our other categories. They’re not swings, or playful add-ons, or water features or climbing features. They’re...other. But still fun.

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