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Batting Cages

Batting Cages


Batting Cage Frames and Cable Kits

We build premium batting cage frames & kits for all environments & levels.

The easiest to use and most COMPLETE / TURN-KEY cages on the market.

Where are they used?

We offer backyard batting cages, GIANT indoor shell cages with sliding curtains for gyms & training facilities, and heavy-duty in-ground pro-grade batting cages for professional teams & players.

How do they work?

We build retractable cages that slide, motorized cages that lift-up, in-ground frames with removable / portable poles, and free-standing above ground batting cages for quick portability.

If you plan to DIY a batting cage, no problem - we have the best selection of batting cage hardware & stock / custom batting cage nets on the market.


Getting Started Guide
Everything you need to know about batting cage frames and cable systems

Turnbuckles, cable, and other items

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    CurtainCage - Sliding Batting Cage

    Our most popular indoor batting cage kit allows the net to collapse for easy storage. Perfect for gyms, training facilities, and home-owners looking for a high quality cage for a basement, barn or garage.

    ShellCage - Multi-Lane Sliding Batting Cage

    This multi-lane batting cage system features sliding curtains, allowing quick conversion between individual lanes and a wide-open netting shell. Perfect for training facilities offering cross-training and multi-sports, such as baseball/softball, soccer, football, dodgeball, lacrosse, and even birthday parties!

    AirCage - Electric Vertical Retractable Batting Cage

    The one & only AirCage, offering best-in-class quality materials built for longevity. Perfect for gyms & training facilities that need quick space conversion opening floor space for other revenue-generating activities.

    nCage - In-Ground Batting Cage

    In-Ground batting cages available in four different styles; our most POPULAR outdoor batting cage kit. Perfect for baseball & softball team use and home-owners who want a backyard cage built to last.

    YardCage - Above-Ground Batting Cage

    Portable "free-standing" backyard batting cages, perfect for home-owners & teams expecting light to moderate use.

    Batting Cage Systems At a Glance:

    IndoorsOutdoorsCollapsibleMulti LaneElectric RetractablePortableLightweight
    Above Ground

    CurtainCage Sliding Batting Cage - the easiest way to safely & cost-efficiently install your netting indoors. The most popular indoor batting cage kit in the industry because of the low-maintenance & simplicity, allowing for space saving storage. The majority of home-owners building a home batting cage select a CurtainCage, but it's also the most widely used kit for commercial sports facilities nationwide.

    ShellCage Multi-Lane Sliding Batting Cage - featuring sliding divider curtains, which easily slide open & closed to transform a space from batting cages to open fielding drills. The most popular choice for indoor facilities that need to maximize space for team-use & multiple sports.

    AirCage Retractable Batting Cage - vertically raises to the ceiling in minutes, opening your sports facility for other activities.

    nCage In-Ground Batting Cage Frames - perfect for backyards to fields, including a full-suite of features to make installation easy and effective. Inserted into the ground for stability, yet portable! Poles slide in/out of Ground-Sleeves (concreted), allowing for off-season storage.

    Above Ground / Free-Standing Batting Cages - excellent for portability, and backyard batting cage use. These kits are either anchored into a concrete pad via flange anchors, or utilize a trapezoid shaped design for free-standing support.

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