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*Customer Information

*Billing Address

Shipping Information

*Account Information

Accepted Payment Options

Accepted Payment Options

Practice Sports offers a variety of payment options..

Credit Cards

We accept all major credit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover).


We do accept PayPal as a payment processor. Enter the email address associated with your PayPal account and a custom PayPal invoice will be emailed from Practice Sports, Inc. within 1 business day. Note: we will not process your order until you review the invoice and submit payment.


Business Financing

Practice Sports has partnered with CIT, a direct lender who delivers simple, fast financing options. With their help, you can get the sports equipment you need to drive growth and revenue for your facility, when you need it. Now.

  • Convenient monthly payments
  • Keep your assets off your balance sheet
  • Save your cash reserves for other business needs

You may begin the simple process here.

Tax Exempt

If you are a tax exempt entity, select this option on the check-out screen to receive a tax-free order. You will be required to share your tax exempt form during checkout or via email.


We do accept paper checks, however, they must be received and cleared before processing order. Please remit Checks/PO’s to the address below, including a printed copy of your invoice or the email you received upon submitting an order.

Practice Sports, Inc.
14706 Giles Rd
Omaha, NE 68138

Electronic Check

To use electronic check / bank transfer, simply supply your bank’s routing and account number when entering your payment method. We will process the order once the payment has cleared. Note: Electronic Check may take 2 days to clear.

Certified PO (School or Government)

We accept Certified PO’s from schools or government entities. If you intend on paying with PO please discuss payment options with your sales representative before placing your order.

Please be sure to include on the PO the contact information for the person authorized to make the order. Contact info should include Name, email, and phone number.

Once we receive the PO we will contact the authorized person to complete the authorization process by email.

After completing check-out, please email or fax PO to:
Fax: 1-800-577-3046