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Track & Trolley Kits to Hang Netting

Our track & trolley systems are the most durable method to use hanging a batting cage net or gym divider curtain. They can be customized to fit any building and are ideal in both commercial and private facilities. Since the track and trolley hangs from the ceiling, there’s no need to anchor hardware into the [...]

How To Start A Batting Cage Facility: ShellCage vs Individual Batting Cages

The first in our series of articles on How To Start A Batting Cage Facility tackles one of our most frequently asked questions: “Should I put in a Multi-Lane Batting Cage/ShellCage or individual batting cages?” What is a Multi-Lane Batting Cage/ShellCage? A ShellCage, or multi-lane batting cage, is simply a large tunnel cage that typically [...]

Batting Cage in a Hangar Part 2

If you haven’t had a chance to catch part one of the story about this unique batting cage, start here. To tie into existing structure, David needed to install his net at about 15 feet. We built him a net 16 feet tall to give him a foot or so of sag on the ground [...]