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How To Start A Batting Cage Facility: ShellCage vs Individual Batting Cages

The first in our series of articles on How To Start A Batting Cage Facility tackles one of our most frequently asked questions:

“Should I put in a Multi-Lane Batting Cage/ShellCage or individual batting cages?”

What is a Multi-Lane Batting Cage/ShellCage?

A ShellCage, or multi-lane batting cage, is simply a large tunnel cage that typically reaches from floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall. The ShellCage is then divided up into a number of tunnels with retractable divider curtains. When the divider curtains are collapsed against the wall, the large tunnel stays in place, creating a “shell” around the large open area. This allows for a variety of team and group activities.

Of course, you can also collapse individual cages along the overhead cable lines to create a large open area. However, it’s quicker and easier to collapse a single divider ShellCage curtain rather than an entire tunnel. Once you collapse individual tunnels, you lose the added protection of an overhead shell.

Is It More Cost-Effective to Have a ShellCage or Individual Cage?

This is a natural next question when considering a ShellCage for your facility, but the answer can be complicated. It depends on a number of factors. Typically a ShellCage requires less netting, but more hardware. More often than not, the costs between the two types are similar, but the added versatility of the ShellCage can make it a better deal.

The Final Word: ShellCage vs Individual Cages

ShellCages offer the benefits of individual batting cages with the added flexibility of easily creating a large open area for team activities.

Individual batting cages are a great choice in smaller spaces. Additionally, they work well in a large open space where the benefit of a shell net is minimal.

The ShellCage is almost certainly right for large, open spaces and allows for a variety of activities. Consequently, the ShellCage continues to grow in popularity year after year.

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