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Track & Trolley Kits to Hang Netting

Our track & trolley systems are the most durable method to use hanging a batting cage net or gym divider curtain. They can be customized to fit any building and are ideal in both commercial and private facilities. Since the track and trolley hangs from the ceiling, there’s no need to anchor hardware into the [...]

Barrier Net Installation Tips for Basketball Courts and Multisport Athletic Courts

A lot of our customers use netting to enclose an outdoor basketball court. We call this type of netting barrier netting. You can receive an instant quote on a baseball or golf barrier net using our Custom Net Calculator. Of if you’d like to enclose the area with a larger mesh size, like basketball or [...]

Home Batting Cage Basics

We’ve been answering questions about home batting cages since 2001, but we still get more questions about how to install a home batting cage than any other topic, so it’s a good chance to review the subject. Home Batting Cage Size You can put a batting cage up in almost any size room. As long [...]

3 Easy Tips for Preparing your Indoor Sports Facility for the Winter Rush

Now that winter time is rapidly approaching, we’ve created a guide to help facilities make sure you are ready for the busy season. Condition of Netting This is the time to make sure there are no weak points or fraying starting on the threads.  This can be done by simply inspecting the threads and pulling [...]

Outdoor Netting Enclosure without Roof

I’m building a perimeter net to help contain balls at a elemenatary school. The area measures about 200’L x 90’W and the nets need to be around 12’H. We just need the side walls without a netted roof.  Is that something you guys can help with? -Jeanette Hi Jeanette, Thanks for contacting us about the [...]