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Elkhorn Basketball Complex | Customer Spotlight

Take a tour of this impressive basketball and multisport complex with 36 ceiling-mounted hoops. Further, with six full basketball courts, this 60,000-square-foot sports complex is ready for games, tournaments, and countless practice drills. Teams can play on a full court while other players practice at the same time. In the heart of Elkhorn, Nebraska, this […]

Gym Divider Curtain Basics

Gym Divider Curtains are used by all kinds of facilities – commercial, schools, private, military & even residential uses. This is the easiest way to split a room into sections allowing you to create separate play areas and creating a sound reducing barrier to limit noise between the sections. Dividers are available in both manual [...]
Also posted in Divider Curtains || Tagged gym divider curtain, gym divider, electric curtain2 Comments

Barrier Net Installation Tips for Basketball Courts and Multisport Athletic Courts

A lot of our customers use netting to enclose an outdoor basketball court. We call this type of netting barrier netting. You can receive an instant quote on a baseball or golf barrier net using our Custom Net Calculator. Of if you’d like to enclose the area with a larger mesh size, like basketball or [...]