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How To Start A Batting Cage Facility: ShellCage vs Individual Batting Cages

The first in our series of articles on How To Start A Batting Cage Facility tackles one of our most frequently asked questions: “Should I put in a Multi-Lane Batting Cage/ShellCage or individual batting cages?” What is a Multi-Lane Batting Cage/ShellCage? A ShellCage, or multi-lane batting cage, is simply a large tunnel cage that typically [...]

ShellCage Multi-Lane Batting Cage Net Basics

The first article in our series devoted to new facility covered one of our most frequent questions from new facility owners. Should I put a ShellCage or individual batting cage lanes in my facility? That article generated a huge amount of interest in our ShellCages, so let’s take a closer look at how ShellCages work. [...]

Transform Your Facility With a ShellCage Multi-Lane Batting Cage

If you are a facility owner or ever aspire to be one, then this article is perfect for you! My name is Brett Derrig and I am a Facility Specialist with Practice Sports, and I also run a baseball facility, called Triple Play Sports, locally in the Omaha metro. Four short years ago, I was [...]