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Batting Cage in a Hangar Part 2

If you haven’t had a chance to catch part one of the story about this unique batting cage, start here.

To tie into existing structure, David needed to install his net at about 15 feet. We built him a net 16 feet tall to give him a foot or so of sag on the ground to help prevent baseballs and softballs from escaping. A standard sized batting cage net is 12 feet tall and is generally installed at about 11 feet.

In addition to the netting we also provided David with the hardware necessary to install his batting cage net.
The net is attached to three overhead 1/4 inch cable lines with snap hooks and roller wheels and make it easy for the cage to collapse against one wall when not in use.
Our anchor plates help distribute the load on each cable line, and the turnbuckles allow for maximum tension on the cable lines to eliminate sag.

To cut down on baseballs ricocheting off the bare concrete David decided to turf his batting cage with our SportScape V 69 oz Poly/Nylon blend. The 5 mm foam pad gives the turf about 1 – 1/2 inches of height and plenty of cushion, not only for baseball and softball impact, but for running and agility activities as well.

SportScape V Batting Cage Turf

To give the hitter a more realistic appearance underfoot, David added one of our hitter’s stance mats in clay. (Interesting side note: we’ve been hearing from more and more customers who have cut a spot into their existing turf into which they can install the stance mat. This not only creates an even playing surf and reduces the risk of tripping, but also prevents the mat from sliding around on top of the existing turf.)

To offer added protection for the net, and his building, and to further reduce the risk of ricochet, David also added a rubber mat behind the batter.

Later down the line, if David does notice hotspots where the push-through of the net from baseballs is just a little too close for comfort, he can always install more rubber mats in those locations.

David has a unique, functional cage that will provide a safe space for thousands of swings to come and we were glad to help make his vision a reality.

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