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What Kind of Batting Cage Net Do I Need?

What Kind of Batting Cage Net Do I Need? There are just three factors to consider when determining what kind of batting cage net material you need. What material the net is made of and how thick it is. Whether the net will be used indoors or outdoors. The age of your players and how […]

Electric Retractable Batting Cage – Buyer’s Guide

Our AirCage Retractable Batting Cages allow for quick transformation of your space. The Aircage transforms from batting cage practice mode to storage mode within a few minutes. Please be advised that not all batting cages are created equal, so pay close attention to the details when shopping. See pictures, watch videos, and get the ball [...]

3 Most Popular Indoor Batting Cage Systems

At Practice Sports we offer three main types of indoor batting cages. The CurtainCage, the Track & Trolley, and the AirCage, are designed to fit a variety of uses and budgets. Let’s take a close look at all three types of cages. CurtainCage Indoor Batting Cage Net The CurtainCage is our most popular batting cage [...]

CurtainCages – Sliding Batting Cage Tunnels

We’re often asked for tips on the best way to hang a batting cage net for an indoor application, and the clear answer is our CurtainCage indoor batting cage kit. This is a general guide that will help you determine what parts are necessary and the quantities needed of each part. The cable line setup [...]

Custom Ceiling Brackets for CurtainCage Cable Kits

When choosing to use a CurtainCage system (wall to wall cable kit) which allows you to slide the net on cable lines, sometimes cable lines can’t be anchored into wall whether it’s due to obstructions on the wall or longer gaps between walls. When this is the case, we have options to anchor the cables [...]

Batting Cage in a Hangar Part 1

A customer, David, called us up not too long ago. He’s a grandfather and wanted to put up a hitting cage for his grandkids. He had a large building to put the cage up in, and we can build a custom batting cage net to any size, the only problem was, this building was a [...]

Batting Cage in a Hangar Part 2

If you haven’t had a chance to catch part one of the story about this unique batting cage, start here. To tie into existing structure, David needed to install his net at about 15 feet. We built him a net 16 feet tall to give him a foot or so of sag on the ground [...]