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Our Favorite Artificial Turf Products of 2021

Our Favorite Artificial Turf Products of 2021 At Practice Sports, we love talking turf, so here's our favorite artificial turf products of 2021. These are the turfs we recommend to our customers time and time again, so not only are they our favorites, but they end up being our most popular turf choices as well. [...]

Batting Cage Turf FAQ

Here at Practice Sports, we frequently receive questions about batting cage turf. Consequently, we've come up with this list of answers to the most common questions. What is the most economical batting cage turf for someone with a limited budget? Fortunately, there are several options that are less expensive and still offer floor protection. Typically [...]

A Quick Primer on Used Turf from Ordering to Installation

Since we first started offering used turf to our customers, we’ve been committed to finding the highest quality used turf on the market and helping our customers install that turf to help ensure the best performance. Here are a few important aspects to purchasing used turf that you should know. Used Turf May Have Lines [...]