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Our Favorite Artificial Turf Products of 2021

Our Favorite Artificial Turf Products of 2021 At Practice Sports, we love talking turf, so here's our favorite artificial turf products of 2021. These are the turfs we recommend to our customers time and time again, so not only are they our favorites, but they end up being our most popular turf choices as well. [...]

Artificial Grass Review … Comparison of 2 Leading Turf Brands (Part 3 of 4)

Side-by-Side Comparison of 2 Leading Turf Brands The Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas elected to run this test, to select the best turf for their property. This shows how difficult the decision can be, because it’s such an important decision in terms of investment and brand image. SYNLawn is on the Right, and a major [...]