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How to solve the 3 biggest problems dog owners face in their own backyard..

Artificial grass is becoming increasingly popular at Dog Parks, Pet Daycares, and even backyards of a growing number of dog owners around the country. Why? Artficial Grass Solves 3 of the Most Frustrating Issues Dog Owners Face Mud Fleas & ticks Harmful chemicals 1) Mud Eliminating mud is a big one. As a professional dog [...]
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Artificial Grass Review … How It’s Made (Part 1 of 4)

In this detailed turf review with photos, we highlight why it’s so important to do your homework before selecting an artificial turf installer. Part 1: Evolution of Turf / How It’s Made Part 2: When Artificial Grass Attacks / The Worst That Can Happen Part 3: Side-by-Side Comparison of 2 Leading Turf Brands / Real [...]

Artificial Pet Grass Installation in Omaha Backyard – Solves Muddy Dog Problems

Play, Inc. had the pleasure of installing over 3,000 square feet of artificial grass for a home-owner in the Dundee District in Omaha. This family has 2 large energetic dogs, with a perpetually muddy backyard due to the shade, paw traffic and ground moisture. This posed an everyday problem, as the family dreaded letting the [...]

Artificial Grass Review … the WORST that can happen (Part 2 of 4)

When Artificial Grass Attacks What’s the worst that could happen? The worst case scenario in buying low-quality turf, is a total yard or field replacement after just a few short years. China is a big culprit in the “low-quality turf game”. They have began selling dirt cheap turf to major players in the US, who [...]