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How to solve the 3 biggest problems dog owners face in their own backyard..

Artificial grass is becoming increasingly popular at Dog Parks, Pet Daycares, and even backyards of a growing number of dog owners around the country.


Artficial Grass Solves 3 of the Most Frustrating Issues Dog Owners Face

  1. Mud
  2. Fleas & ticks
  3. Harmful chemicals

1) Mud

Eliminating mud is a big one. As a professional dog boarding facility, the idea of cleaning 4 paws x dozens of dogs can be daunting. And time consuming. And every business owner realizes that time = money. Making a repetitive task more efficient is an easy way to free up time for more complex tasks which require analysis.
When you think about how much time is spent cleaning paws & WHOLE dogs due to the dirt, dust & mud on your property, you quickly realize how fast it adds up. Spending dozens of hours / week cleaning dogs could instead be used on marketing & sales efforts, bringing more paws in your door.

2) Fleas & Ticks

While artificial pet grass won’t completely eliminate pests, it does greatly reduce them. They simply can not live inside the blades of synthetic turf, and of course there is no soil to nest in. As long as leaf debris is cleaned up, your pest problem will greatly diminish – another eventual time / money saver.

3) Chemicals

With synthetic grass, you can toss out the herbicides, fertilizers and weed sprays. A great opportunity to help market your business and set yourself apart from your competition – and more importantly create a safer environment for your 4-legged friends. This is an interesting article about the danger of exposing your dog to lawn chemicals (credit Mother Nature Network).

Advertising a GREEN & CHEMICAL FREE facility – literally from the green turf, and also from the lack of chemicals – is a HUGE deal to a lot of people. It could be the difference between a customer choosing your facility and the one down the street. As a dog owner, would you pick a place that could guarantee in writing your dog’s paws won’t be exposed to chemical sprays? We all know dogs like to lick their feet & legs.

The Next Step for Artificial Grass

Adding artificial grass helps you take a BIG leap towards becoming more green & creating a safer environment for your furry friends!

SYNLawn360 installs artificial pet turf throughout Nebraska & Iowa – contact us today to discuss your project.

Chad, Cory, Tony, & Jim

14706 Giles Rd

Omaha, NE 68138


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