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GaGa Ball for Birthdays | Host the Ultimate Party

Host the Ultimate PartyGaGa Ball PitsHost the Ultimate Party Is your birthday right around the corner? Are you stuck thinking of ways on how to make your next birthday party uniquely unforgettable? Consider incorporating a Gaga Ball Pit into your celebration. They're not just for schoolyards–they’re the ultimate indoor / outdoor activity that brings excitement [...]

Gaga Ball Pit | Side-by-Side Comparison

Gaga Ball arrived in United States summer camps as early as the 1950s. While it took time to become a mainstream sport, Gaga ball is now frequently played at churches, schools, and summer camps across the globe. One reason is that constructing a Gaga Ball Pit is often less expensive than other games that require [...]

Make a Gaga Ball Pit – Everything You Need

Remember how much excitement (or dread) you were filled with when the PE teacher called out dodgeball? Well, gaga ball is a popular, gentler dodgeball-type game, and it's easy to make a gaga ball pit for schools, playgrounds, or your own backyard. Gaga Ball is played in a large octagon, hexagon, or circular pit with [...]