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How to Play GaGa Ball without a Pit

By now, you’ve heard of GaGa Ball and how much fun it is to play! As a safer alternative to the classic Dodgeball, GaGa Ball Pits are flying off the shelves. But what if you want to check out the game before investing in a pit? In this article, we’ll go over how to play Gaga Ball without a pit by coming up with alternative playing areas, equipment, and methods.

High Wall GaGa Ball Pit
Family playing in the In-Ground High Wall Gaga Ball Pit

No Pit, No Problem

Although there are plenty of reasonably priced GaGa Ball Pits on the market, not everyone has the space, the means, or the commitment to purchase their own. But isn’t the pit kind of…necessary to play? Yes and no. Even without a pit, you will still want some sort of barrier in order to have fun and follow the GaGa rules. So, let’s talk about how to play GaGa Ball without a pit.

First, if you have a spare room that you are able to remove breakables from, play GaGa in there. Let the walls keep the ball in bounds. If you’re new to the sport, here are the rules. If you’re using a bedroom to play, the ball needs to stay within the room (in bounds). Other than that, use the bedroom’s walls just as you would a ball pit’s walls. This is a great solution for a small number of players, but if you have more than a few, it might be tricky for players who are out to find somewhere to stand – unless they leave the room to wait.

Another option is to set up furniture to act like the walls. Use chairs, ottomans, tables, etc. Be creative. Again, you will want to make sure and remove all breakables before playing. Whatever objects you use to create a play area become the walls of the GaGa Ball Pit, so follow the rules as you would normally.

Lastly, if you have the yard space, play outside. As above, you will need to find objects to create a barrier still. Some suggestions include a fence, outdoor furniture, or the side of a shed. Use items to create an octagon or circle of walls and play just as you would normally. Of course, you might want to pick a lighter ball if you are worried about damaging any nearby items.

Overall, there are endless options to create a space with common items you probably have around the house. Just remember to remove any fragile and important items and communicate any special rules that apply to your space. Maybe you can even create your own variations based on your setup!

The GaGa Ball

Typically, a dodgeball or rubber kickball (playground ball) is used when playing GaGa Ball. However, there are many options when it comes to ball type. If you are playing indoors, you might opt for a foam ball. Soft volleyballs, soccer balls, basketballs, or even a bouncy ball. On average, you want to look for a ball that is around 8-10 inches in diameter. Also, some balls may sting more than others (such as soccer and basketballs), so think about who is playing and where they’re playing to help decide what type of ball works best for you.

Home Variations

Finally, adjust your rules if necessary for you to play GaGa Ball without a pit. Practice by yourself by hitting the ball off the walls of your house or a shed. Only allow players to hit each other under the knee instead of the waist when playing indoors. Instead of throwing the ball in the air to begin a game, you might want to bounce the ball off of a low wall.

Feel free to make up new rules anytime to ensure that everyone has safe fun while protecting your home and belongings.

View our entire collection of Gaga Ball products and kits. Contact Us with questions or to get started on your next project.

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