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Lite-Flite Pitching Machine

Baseball & Softball

SKU: M6000

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In your backyard, on the field, or in the gym, if your players love to hit, the JUGS Lite-Flite Machine is perfect for you.

No matter if you want slow tosses or challenging breaking pitches, the Lite-Flite Machine promises to deliver strikes and fun. Due to its exclusive Select-A-Pitch, easily adjust your machine to throw five different types of pitches with uncanny accuracy.


 Since its introduction in 2003, 98% of all JUGS Lite-Flite Machines sold are still in use, making it the longest-lasting, least expensive ball-throwing machine of its kind. The perfect machine for baseball, softball, and pickleball.


The Lite-Flite Machine throws: Left-Handed Curves, Left-Handed Sliders, Fastballs, Right-Handed Sliders, and Right Handed Curves for both baseball and softball.


Quick-Change design features exclusive Switch-and-Play Knobs. Go from baseball to softball in a matter of seconds. Additionally, make practices more efficient with the Lite-Flite Baseball Feeder or Lite-Flite Softball Feeder.

NOTE: Feeders are all sold separately.

Ball Types to Use with the Lite-Flite Machine

To get the most out of your machine, use the balls suggested by the manufacturer. In this case, JUGS suggests the following:

Pitching machines are not made to be used with regulation balls, even though many machines can throw these balls. However, regulation balls are not machine compatible and wear down not only your machines but also your balls over time.


  • It provides full range of movement to adjust for all types of pitches including fastballs, curves, and sliders.
  • Swivel-design base casting provides 360° movement for fly balls, ground balls, and pop-ups.
  • It simulates both left- and right-handed pitches.
  • Easily switch from baseball to softball in less than five minutes.
  • Runs on a regular 110 volt AC or Optional Rechargeable Battery Pack.
  • It has our patented “always see the ball” delivery system.
  • Use indoors or outdoors.

JUGS Lite-Flite Machine: Hitting Away

Push Bunt


Essentials of Hitting: Inside Out, Outside In

Lite-Flite for Baseball and Softball

Slap Bunt

Adjusting to Off Speed

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In your backyard, on the field, or in the gym, if your players love to hit, the JUGS Lite-Flite Machine is perfect for you.

No matter if you want slow tosses or challenging breaking pitches, the Lite-Flite Machine promises to deliver strikes and fun. Due to its exclusive Select-A-Pitch, easily adjust your machine to throw five different types of pitches with uncanny accuracy.


 Since its introduction in 2003, 98% of all JUGS Lite-Flite Machines sold are still in use, making it the longest-lasting, least expensive ball-throwing machine of its kind. The perfect machine for baseball, softball, and pickleball.


The Lite-Flite Machine throws: Left-Handed Curves, Left-Handed Sliders, Fastballs, Right-Handed Sliders, and Right Handed Curves for both baseball and softball.


Quick-Change design features exclusive Switch-and-Play Knobs. Go from baseball to softball in a matter of seconds. Additionally, make practices more efficient with the Lite-Flite Baseball Feeder or Lite-Flite Softball Feeder.

NOTE: Feeders are all sold separately.

Ball Types to Use with the Lite-Flite Machine

To get the most out of your machine, use the balls suggested by the manufacturer. In this case, JUGS suggests the following:

Pitching machines are not made to be used with regulation balls, even though many machines can throw these balls. However, regulation balls are not machine compatible and wear down not only your machines but also your balls over time.


  • It provides full range of movement to adjust for all types of pitches including fastballs, curves, and sliders.
  • Swivel-design base casting provides 360° movement for fly balls, ground balls, and pop-ups.
  • It simulates both left- and right-handed pitches.
  • Easily switch from baseball to softball in less than five minutes.
  • Runs on a regular 110 volt AC or Optional Rechargeable Battery Pack.
  • It has our patented “always see the ball” delivery system.
  • Use indoors or outdoors.

JUGS Lite-Flite Machine: Hitting Away

Push Bunt


Essentials of Hitting: Inside Out, Outside In

Lite-Flite for Baseball and Softball

Slap Bunt

Adjusting to Off Speed


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How do I know what type of balls to use with my pitching machine?

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