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BP1 Combo Pitching Machine

Baseball & Softball

SKU: M1501

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The Jugs BP1 Combo Pitching Machine features a 15-70 mph speed range and comes complete with a baseball chute and long straight legs and a 12” softball chute and short curved legs.

Throw at the Exact Speed You Desire

With a digital readout display you can set your Jugs BP1 to throw at the exact mph you desire—up to 70 mph!. You decide which speed is best for your players. The BP1 Combo Pitching Machine is generally used by Pitching Machine Leagues, High Schools, and Youth Leagues.

Perfect for Beginners:The BP1 Pitching Machine allows young ball players to hone their swings because pitches arrive in virtually the same location each time. That makes the challenge of hitting a little easier and a lot more fun.

Great for offensive or defensive drills:The BP1 is perfect for work on grounders, deep fly balls and catcher popups.

Throws these ball types:The BP1 throws 11″ or 12″ softballs, baseballs, Sting-Free baseballs—dimpled and seam, Sting-Free softballs—dimpled and seam, tennis balls, Lite-Flite baseballs and softballs, softie softballs and baseballs, the Jugs Pearl, LeatherLast Softballs and Jugs Bulldog baseballs and softballs.

Portable and Easy to Set Up

The BP1 Combo Pitching Machine weighs just 75 lbs. One person can remove the legs and easily load the Jugs in the trunk of a car.

Consistent Strikes

Set up for either sport, pitches are thrown from a realistic release point and throwing consistent strikes so your players can confidently step into the batter’s box and start swinging, since they know that each and every pitch is going to be a strike.

Available Options:

*Carousel Feeder includes In-Line On/Off Feeder Remote Switch


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The Jugs BP1 Combo Pitching Machine features a 15-70 mph speed range and comes complete with a baseball chute and long straight legs and a 12” softball chute and short curved legs.

Throw at the Exact Speed You Desire

With a digital readout display you can set your Jugs BP1 to throw at the exact mph you desire—up to 70 mph!. You decide which speed is best for your players. The BP1 Combo Pitching Machine is generally used by Pitching Machine Leagues, High Schools, and Youth Leagues.

Perfect for Beginners:The BP1 Pitching Machine allows young ball players to hone their swings because pitches arrive in virtually the same location each time. That makes the challenge of hitting a little easier and a lot more fun.

Great for offensive or defensive drills:The BP1 is perfect for work on grounders, deep fly balls and catcher popups.

Throws these ball types:The BP1 throws 11″ or 12″ softballs, baseballs, Sting-Free baseballs—dimpled and seam, Sting-Free softballs—dimpled and seam, tennis balls, Lite-Flite baseballs and softballs, softie softballs and baseballs, the Jugs Pearl, LeatherLast Softballs and Jugs Bulldog baseballs and softballs.

Portable and Easy to Set Up

The BP1 Combo Pitching Machine weighs just 75 lbs. One person can remove the legs and easily load the Jugs in the trunk of a car.

Consistent Strikes

Set up for either sport, pitches are thrown from a realistic release point and throwing consistent strikes so your players can confidently step into the batter’s box and start swinging, since they know that each and every pitch is going to be a strike.

Available Options:

*Carousel Feeder includes In-Line On/Off Feeder Remote Switch


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What’s the difference between “arm” or “wheel” machines?

Are there cons to using arm machines?

Are wheel machines good for practicing timing?

What else should I look for in a machine?

How do I know what type of balls to use with my pitching machine?

Where do your machines ship from?

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