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Basement Batting Cage – Install in Just 12 Feet

How much practice does it take to perfect your swing? While there isn’t a universal answer, many ball players suggest daily/near-daily practice. Frequent practice allows you to learn from mistakes, perfect your game, and stay in great physical shape. Unfortunately, not all of us can make it to the batting cages daily. However, if you have a basement then a basement batting cage just might be the answer. Not only do batting cages fit in smaller areas than you’d think, but also plenty of products on the market offer maximum protection.

Basement Batting Cage Size

When choosing to install a basement batting cage, the first step is determining how to get the most out of your room safely. Typically, the area should be a minimum of 12 feet in width. Exceptions to this rule include:

  • Batting cages strictly for children’s use
  • Areas that include extra room to move for your swing

Here at Practice Sports, we successfully installed a cage as little as 8 feet wide by 8 feet high; however, adult swings typically need more room. First, determine the amount of room needed within the netting by practicing some swings with your bat. Remember to try out different spots in your basement to find the ideal location for your basement batting cage.

Also, consider who will use the cage. If it is strictly for children, you may be able to get away with a smaller cage. However, if adults will also be practicing, build the cage to fit the widest swing. Keep in mind that children grow. If you want a long-term solution, it is best to stick to the minimum of 12 feet rule.

Need help deciding what size your cage should be?


Netting vs. NetShield

When it comes to netting for your basement batting cage, we highly recommend using NetShield to get the most out of your space. For example, take a look at the distance from walls, lights, walking paths, etc. needed for NetShield vs. standard netting:

Space required between the netting and:NetShieldOther Nets
Wall4-6 inches1-3 feet
Ceiling/Lights3 feet3-5 feet
Walking Paths1-2 feet5-10 feet

As you can see, NetShield greatly reduces ball push-through to protect your walls, delicate objects (such as lights and windows), and spectators. Of course, soft and squishy baseball/softballs may always be used for extra protection.

With an estimated lifespan of 10-15 years for impact areas, NetShield outlasts the competition by 10+ years. Additionally, anyone can easily install the zip-tied netting. For those who already have a basement batting cage, limit push-through in vulnerable spots by adding NetShield inside or outside of the existing netting.

See how easy it is to install, and watch NetShield stop a 90-mph ball with little push-through in the following videos:

Best Uses:

  • Along walls to prevent damage
  • Behind batter for “impact zones”
  • Behind pitcher for “batter’s eye”
  • Isolated ceiling areas to protect HVAC/lights
  • Hanging from the ceiling to contain balls


  • Vinyl-coated mesh
  • 13.5 ounces per square yard
  • Double-hemmed vinyl border
  • Top-only grommets every 12 to 18 inches
  • Colors: Black, Forest Green, Green, Blue, Navy Blue, Red
  • 3-year warranty

Have questions? Contact Us to receive help and/or quotes for your project.

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