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ShellCage Multi-Lane Net Installation Instructions Part 2: Installing Your Divider Curtains

This is Part 2 of ShellCage Installation Basics. This section is devoted to installing the Divider Curtains for your ShellCage. Click here to read Part 1 of this Guide on Installing the ShellNet for your ShellCage.

These curtains are collapsible along overhead cable lines and allow you to open up your space to help make it multi-functional. A quick note on divider curtains. You may have noticed that the divider curtains are actually a couple of feet longer than the cage itself. This is to help create total coverage between lanes, as the divider curtains can sometimes ‘creep’ towards the middle of the cable line over time.

Step 4. Install The Cable Line Assemblies for the Divider Curtain

At this time you can install the dedicated Cable Lines for the Divider Curtains to the Multi Plates.

Connect your Cable Lines to the MultiPlates a few holes below the cable line supporting the Shell Net. Install the line that will not have the Turnbuckle connected to it, first. This end is called the Dead End, or Terminal End, of the cable line. Secure the cable with the Cable Clamps.

If your hardware includes roller wheels that need to be slid on to the cable line, you can do that it this time. (The nylon roller wheels can be installed after the cable lines are already up.)

Connect the opposite end of the Cable Line to the Turnbuckle, and connect the Turnbuckle to the Anchor Point. Secure with Cable Clamps. This is now the Live End of the Cable Line. You can start adding tension to the line, but do not fully tension the Cable Line at this time. The Live End of the Cable Line should look like this:

Step 5. Install Divider Curtains

Attach Snap Hooks to Border Rope length.


Lift the corners of the net to the cable line and attach the Snap Hooks to the Roller Wheels. Continue attaching Snap Hooks to the Roller Wheels, working your way to the middle of the net. You may need to add more tension to the cable line as you work.

Once your Divider Curtain is in place, you can fully tighten your turnbuckle to eliminate any remaining slack in the line. Be sure not to overtighten your turnbuckle.

Congratulations, you’ve safely installed your ShellCage Net with Divider Curtains. For more information on ShellCage basics, learn more here.

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