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Medium Power Bag

Arm & Bag


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SKU: MUHL-MPB Category: Tags: ,

The Power Bag enhances wrist and forearm strength for power-hitting. Lance Berkman of the Houston Astros attributes much of his wrist and forearm power to a similar device created by his father. Authority in hitting, requiring strength at contact, results in enhanced ball speed off the bat. Although bat speed is crucial, wrist flexibility at contact can diminish its benefits. The Power Bag reduces bat recoil, ensuring the ball leaps off the bat.

Designed for hitters to swing through, the Power Bag emphasizes the importance of completing the swing. Despite a ball’s brief contact with the bat, finishing swings strongly develops habits that translate into more powerful hits and solid muscle memory.

The Power Bag provides instant feedback on every swing, identifying common errors such as poor hip rotation and incorrect hand position. Successful contact mechanics lead to noticeable improvements, reinforcing the importance of fundamentals for powerful hitting.

Constructed with a light foam core and a tear-resistant polyurethane coating, the Power Bag is durable and suitable for most bats. It includes a top arm and u-bolts for easy mounting. For longevity, we recommend storing the bag away from the elements when not in use.

Ordering Recommendations:

  • Large Power Bag: 7.5 lbs, 10″ diameter x 24″ long, for players over 170 lbs, suited for high school and college baseball.
  • Medium Power Bag: 5.5 lbs, 7″ diameter x 24″ long, for players 100-180 lbs, ideal for high school and college fastpitch. Feedback indicates significant improvement in hitting power within the first year.
  • Junior Power Bag: 3.5 lbs, 7″ diameter x 12″ long, for players 13 and under, up to 110 lbs, excellent for teaching younger players effective mechanics for increased power.


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The Power Bag enhances wrist and forearm strength for power-hitting. Lance Berkman of the Houston Astros attributes much of his wrist and forearm power to a similar device created by his father. Authority in hitting, requiring strength at contact, results in enhanced ball speed off the bat. Although bat speed is crucial, wrist flexibility at contact can diminish its benefits. The Power Bag reduces bat recoil, ensuring the ball leaps off the bat.

Designed for hitters to swing through, the Power Bag emphasizes the importance of completing the swing. Despite a ball’s brief contact with the bat, finishing swings strongly develops habits that translate into more powerful hits and solid muscle memory.

The Power Bag provides instant feedback on every swing, identifying common errors such as poor hip rotation and incorrect hand position. Successful contact mechanics lead to noticeable improvements, reinforcing the importance of fundamentals for powerful hitting.

Constructed with a light foam core and a tear-resistant polyurethane coating, the Power Bag is durable and suitable for most bats. It includes a top arm and u-bolts for easy mounting. For longevity, we recommend storing the bag away from the elements when not in use.

Ordering Recommendations:

  • Large Power Bag: 7.5 lbs, 10″ diameter x 24″ long, for players over 170 lbs, suited for high school and college baseball.
  • Medium Power Bag: 5.5 lbs, 7″ diameter x 24″ long, for players 100-180 lbs, ideal for high school and college fastpitch. Feedback indicates significant improvement in hitting power within the first year.
  • Junior Power Bag: 3.5 lbs, 7″ diameter x 12″ long, for players 13 and under, up to 110 lbs, excellent for teaching younger players effective mechanics for increased power.


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