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Tanner Baseball / Softball Batting Tee – Original Model

(Softball or Baseball Tee)


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Standard Tee Info

The Tanner Tee (26-43”) is our most popular batting tee, comprised of two parts, an adjustable stem and a nine inch weather resistant polymer base. This is a best seller and is used by all levels of professional baseball, top college and high school programs, and thousands of home users. The hand rolled
ball rest sets Tanner Tees apart from any other training tool. Its flexible top allows the bat to pass through the contact point with the least interference. This patented tee is the most used, preferred and trusted batting tee among all levels of the game. Total weight is fewer than six pounds. It breaks down
in seconds to fit into any travel bag and is sold with a 9×9″ standard base with rounded edges for safety.

Recommended for ages 9 and up, but that’s just a recommendation. How you train off the tee is up to you. We provide the tool, and you do the work.

Features & Benefits

  • The original flexible rolled rubber ball rest allows you to feel the ball not the tee at contact.
  • Five and ten pound weights slide easily over top.
  • Our patented tee design and metal construction offers years of proven durability.
  • This batting tee has been helping players at all levels perfect their swings for eighteen years.
  • No twists or turns, simple adjustments


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Standard Tee Info

The Tanner Tee (26-43”) is our most popular batting tee, comprised of two parts, an adjustable stem and a nine inch weather resistant polymer base. This is a best seller and is used by all levels of professional baseball, top college and high school programs, and thousands of home users. The hand rolled
ball rest sets Tanner Tees apart from any other training tool. Its flexible top allows the bat to pass through the contact point with the least interference. This patented tee is the most used, preferred and trusted batting tee among all levels of the game. Total weight is fewer than six pounds. It breaks down
in seconds to fit into any travel bag and is sold with a 9×9″ standard base with rounded edges for safety.

Recommended for ages 9 and up, but that’s just a recommendation. How you train off the tee is up to you. We provide the tool, and you do the work.

Features & Benefits

  • The original flexible rolled rubber ball rest allows you to feel the ball not the tee at contact.
  • Five and ten pound weights slide easily over top.
  • Our patented tee design and metal construction offers years of proven durability.
  • This batting tee has been helping players at all levels perfect their swings for eighteen years.
  • No twists or turns, simple adjustments


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