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Single Outdoor Art Mural

SKU: MBT-203

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Encourage children’s imaginations!

The Single Outdoor Art Mural it the unique wipeable art surface that transforms any outdoor space into a vibrant studio. Perfect for young artists aged 2 to 5.

Designed for both fun and development, this mural allows children to express themselves creatively while learning the importance of empathy and collaboration.

With a sturdy tray that holds up to six cups and various painting tools, kids can easily access everything they need to create masterpieces together.

Made from durable materials, it’s an ideal addition to any playground, encouraging artistic exploration in a natural setting.


  • Wipeable Surface: Easy to clean, allowing endless hours of creative play.
  • Accessible Design: ADA-compliant, ensuring inclusivity for children of all abilities.
  • Ample Storage: Tray holds up to six cups and has indentations for brushes, sponges, and stamps.
  • Durable Materials: Built to withstand outdoor conditions, providing a long-lasting art space.
  • Large Canvas Area: Provides maximum space for group creativity and collaboration.

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Encourage children’s imaginations!

The Single Outdoor Art Mural it the unique wipeable art surface that transforms any outdoor space into a vibrant studio. Perfect for young artists aged 2 to 5.

Designed for both fun and development, this mural allows children to express themselves creatively while learning the importance of empathy and collaboration.

With a sturdy tray that holds up to six cups and various painting tools, kids can easily access everything they need to create masterpieces together.

Made from durable materials, it’s an ideal addition to any playground, encouraging artistic exploration in a natural setting.


  • Wipeable Surface: Easy to clean, allowing endless hours of creative play.
  • Accessible Design: ADA-compliant, ensuring inclusivity for children of all abilities.
  • Ample Storage: Tray holds up to six cups and has indentations for brushes, sponges, and stamps.
  • Durable Materials: Built to withstand outdoor conditions, providing a long-lasting art space.
  • Large Canvas Area: Provides maximum space for group creativity and collaboration.


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