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Turf Halo Kit Overview

We get a lot of questions about our turf home plate halo kit, so this is a great opportunity to help provide a brief overview of the halo kits we offer at Practice Sports.

Standard Size and Custom Halo Kits Available

Halo kits are available in two standard sizes: the five foot halo kit and the 10 foot halo kit.

This dimension measures the height of the halo kit, or how tall the halo kit is.

Both halo kits have the option to add wings. The wings extend the halo 6 feet out towards first and third base.

The five foot and the 10 foot turf halo kits are able to accommodate the needs of the majority of our customers. However, we are able to build custom halo kits.

Email your dimensions and questions to us at with the subject line: “Custom Halo Kit.”

Our halo kits are available in a wide variety of colors. However it is important to mention that those colors are more expensive than the standard wintergreen or verde turf.

Turf Specs

Our turf home plate halo kits are feature a face of 42 oz. DuPont Nylon.

The turf is backed with a waterproof foam pad for shock absorption.

The height of the turf with foam is 3/4 of an inch.

Custom Letters and Logos on Your Turf Home Plate Halo Kit

School and mascot names on the turf kit require an additional charge per letter.. The letters are inlaid turf, not painted, so your letters will last the life of your turf.

We also offer the option for inlaid turf logos, for an additional charge.

Our logos are inlaid for long-lasting durability.

It is important that your logo is not overly complicated because inlaid logos are made from turf fiber.

If you’re interested in a halo kit with custom logo, please include the logo in your email to

All of our halo kits ship with a five year limited warranty.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below and for more information please take a look at our turf halo kits.

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