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How To Start A Batting Cage Facility

The Practice Sports Playbook is already home to a great number of articles on everything from batting cages to sports athletic multi-game courts, and over the past few years it has become the best source of sports equipment knowledge on the internet.

Now, we’re looking to expand that body of knowledge by creating a series of articles written directly for those of you who are just starting a batting cage facility.

We have over 15 years of experience helping new batting cage facilities get their feet off the ground. New and potential facility owners always have a lot of questions for us, so we’re very excited to start this series. Over the next few months we’ll be sharing our expertise in a series of articles covering topics that range from creating a business plan, to selecting your nets, and creating a budget, just to name a few.

We’ve covered a few of these topics before, in fact, here’s a little about indoor batting cages, turf, and pitching machines, so you can get started on your research right away. In the coming months, we’re going to look at those topics and more, in-depth, and from the point of view of a new facility owner. We’re also going to dig deep into topics like selecting a building and we’re even going to offer tips on how to market your new business.

Batting cage facilities can provide a positive source of recreation for kids in every community, from rural communities to large cities and we want to help ensure that there are as many successful batting cage owners out there as possible

If you have any questions, comments or have some topics that you’d like us to take a close look at, be sure to drop us a line in the comments below.

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