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How to Maximize your Gym Space – Quick Transformation (2 options)

Custom gym divider curtains help provide multiple streams of revenue at commercial sports facilities and separate multiple PE classes at schools.

Gym dividers are typically made from a combination of solid vinyl on the bottom, and open mesh on the top. The open mesh helps provide air-flow. The ratio of vinyl to mesh varies based on preferred level of privacy. Most customers use a base ofto 10 ft of solid vinyl and the remainder mesh.

2 Types of Gym Divider Curtains – Manual vs Electric

There are 2 ways to divide your gym with a curtain.

1) Manual / Walk-Draw Track & Trolley Curtain System

Manual gym curtains are typically 10% less expensive than electric systems.

There are 2 types of manual curtain systems available:

A) Straight Curtain

The most commonly used, this system simply involves a straight run of track from point to point.

Trolley wheels ride inside the track, and the hooks attach to grommets in the curtain.

This allows the curtain to be pushed or pulled against a wall for storage, opening or closing a facility space effectively within a matter of minutes.

B) Radius / Corner Divider Curtain

This system allows a single, seamless curtain to run from point to point turn a 90 degree corner.

This results in improved coverage and storage options.

The curtain is pushed alongside a wall, which helps reduce the occupied footprint created by a curtain that would otherwise be stored against the wall.

There are several types of attachment hardware that affix track to your ceiling. This hardware includes beam clamps, threaded rod clamps, and splice connectors.

2) Motorized / Electric Curtain System

Electric gym curtains are used by high-schools, colleges, and training centers to allow for quick, hands off, transformation of a space.

There are 2 types of motorized curtain systems available:

A) Fold-Up / Straight / Flat top Divider Curtain

Fold-up divider curtains are the most commonly used and cost-efficient style. They typically attach to an existing flat beam via beam clamps.

The system uses top mounted “drive lines.” The drive lines feed cables down to a bottom ballast tube inserted into a pocket in the curtain.

When the winch engages,  the drive-line turns. The drive-line turns the spools, and retracts the ballast. The curtain “folds / lays / wraps” over each side of the ballast tube, pulling everything up to within 18-24″ of the beam.

B) Peak-fold Divider Curtain

Peak-fold curtains conform with the ceiling pitch. This results in maximum privacy and a tapered appearance.

Practice Sports can design any shape or style divider curtain for your facility. We can customize with team colors, logos, and letters.

Contact Us today to request a quote for your gym or sports facility.

If you have any questions, please be sure to leave them in the comments. We love to hear from our customers.

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