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How to Install an Indoor Batting Cage

How to Install an Indoor Batting Cage

Some topics at Practice Sports are truly evergreen. How to install an indoor batting cage is absolutely one of them. We have that conversation with someone every day on the phone. We have that conversation over LiveChat. We’ve written about it. We’ve drawn diagrams. Somehow, though, we’ve never made a video about it until now.

With the video below, you can become an expert indoor batting cage expert in just 3 minutes. This video shows the simplest, least expensive way to install a batting cage tunnel.

For those of you who aren’t into watching videos, (some of you are readers, we get it) here’s a quick step by step.

Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of this article for a special offer for our customers.

Install Your Anchor Plates

First step is installing your anchor plates into your wood headers or concrete blocks. (Never install directly into drywall. We can’t say that enough.) You’ll install the center of the anchor plate at the height of your batting cage. Be sure to allow for a foot or so of sag at the bottom of the net to help contain baseballs and softballs.

Batting Cage Installation Made Easy

The easiest way to install an indoor batting cage.

Shop our indoor batting cage installation hardware to make installing your indoor batting cage easy.

Install Your Cable Line

Create a loop and thread the cable line through the anchor plate, and clamp it off with a couple of cable clamps. This end will be the dead end of the line, the end without a turnbuckle. You’ll stop your next against this wall when not in use.

Install Your Turnbuckles

On the opposite side of your dead end, you can now install your turnbuckles. Attach them directly to the anchor plates. At this time, be sure that your turnbuckles are open all the way, meaning you’ve extended the screws out from the middle of the turnbuckle, so that you can tighten them to remove the slack out of the cable line when the time comes.

Attach Your Cable Line To The Turnbuckle

Make a loop and thread it through the end of the turnbuckle and clamp it off. If you watched the video above, you’ll notice these installers have all of their standard steel roller wheels attached and contained on the turnbuckle end. For that type of steel rollers, that step was necessary. For our most popular roller wheels, however, you won’t need to do that. You can attach the roller wheels to the cable line when you attach the next because of the roller wheel’s split bracket. (We also like those split bracket roller wheels because if a roller wheel does wear out, you can replace it without having to take down the entire cable line.) If you want steel roller wheels with the flexibility of the split bracket pulleys, you’ll want the roller wheel with the removable pin.

Remove the Slack From the Cable Line With The Turnbuckle

Once you’ve clamped off your cable line loop and cut off any excess, you can tighten the turnbuckle to remove the slack. You’ll want to get that turnbuckle as tight as possible to make that cable line as straight as possible.

Attach the Net to the Cable Line

Now you can attach the corners of the net to the cable lines. You’re fighting gravity now, but once you get the corners of the net attached to the cable line, installation of the net will be much easier.

Once you’ve got your corners up and the weight of that net supported, you’ll be able to attach your snap hooks to the roller wheels every 1 – 2 feet.

That’s it! You’re now an indoor batting cage installation expert!

Earn a $500 Gift Card

Now that you’ve watched the video, we’ve got a special offer for our customers.

We’re looking for more footage like what you’ve seen here.

A customer sent us the video of their indoor batting cage installation. Then we edited it to create a 3 minute how to.

Now it’s your chance.

We’re looking for step by step footage of a customer installing one of our outdoor batting cages.

Once you’ve got the footage, you can email me directly at

If we edit your footage into an explainer video as excellent as the one you’ve just viewed, and post it online, we will send you a $500 Practice Sports gift card.

As always, please be sure to leave any questions in the comments below.

Practice, Better!

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