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Dimensions: Measuring Tips for your Netting Usage

Net Size : Cut Yourself Some Slack

There’s a few simple things to keep in mind when determining how much netting you’ll need for your cage.

First, be sure to add an extra 12 inches to the height of your net. Having that extra netting sag down is going to help gather loose balls. This is going to help make clean up a lot faster. Less time spent gathering up balls means more time hitting, and you know how important that time is in the cage.

Second, if you’ve got a cage that’s going to be a hundred feet or more long, you’re going to want to add two or three feet of extra netting to your order. That extra couple of feet of netting is going to make installation a lot easier for you.

Last, and maybe most importantly, avoid installing your netting “trampoline” or “guitar string” tight. Not only does it reduce the life span of your netting, it also voids the warranty and could be a potential safety hazard.

Keep these three tips in mind, and your cage will be easier to install, easier to maintain and will last a lot longer.

Update: Check out the snazzy infographic that our Practice Sports design team whipped up for our first tip!

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