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Batting Cage Net Review & Buyer’s Guide

Since 2001 our main focus at Practice Sports has always been batting cage nets. With so many manufacturers now supplying batting cage netting, purchasing a net can be a confusing process. We’re here to make that process much easier with our batting cage net buyer’s guide.

Batting Cage Net Buyer’s Guide

There are three main considerations when purchasing netting: material, gauge, and size.


Netting typically comes in two material types, Nylon and Poly. Poly is less expensive than Nylon, but is less durable. Nylon is more expensive than Poly, but lasts a lot longer. Poly does not require any additional treatment to be considered waterproof. Nylon, by itself does require an additional treatment, like a latex dip, to help make it waterproof. For Nylon nets being used outdoors, we always recommend adding that additional treatment.

Many manufacturers consider Poly to be a high quality netting material. At Practice Sports, we consider Poly to be more of a backyard, hobby type material. For players looking to take a lot of swings over many years in their net, we always suggest Nylon.


Gauge refers to the diameter of the twine of the net. The higher the gauge, the thicker the net, the longer the life span.

The #21 is great for Little League use, but it won’t hold up to the wear and tear of regular use from older, stronger players.

We consider #36 gauge the minimum recommendation for high school players, and in fact #36 Nylon is our most popular netting material.

For commercial use we always recommend a minimum of #60 Nylon material.


Finally, it’s important to consider how big a net you might need. It’s important to know that there are standard batting cage net sizes. Batting cage nets are available in 55 and 70 foot lengths. The standard height is 12 feet, and the width is available in 12 and 14 feet wide.

At Practice Sports we can custom build a net to any size, but keep in mind custom nets are generally more expensive than standard sizes.

When determining which size is right for you, please remember to stay at least 1 foot away from walls, and at least 3 feet away from light fixtures and windows. Also make sure that your players will have room to swing freely inside the tunnel.

Thanks for reading our batting cage net buyer’s guide, and if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section.

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