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Backyard Dog Park – Build Your Own

Dog Park equipment

Taking your pet pooch to the dog park everyday is difficult for those with a busy lifestyle, an anxious/aggressive pet, or a lack of nice, nearby parks. Besides, much of the equipment is outdated and not so stimulating. Luckily, it’s easy to set up your own backyard dog park to ensure your pup meets their exercise needs.

Whether you’re with a business installing dog-waste stations outside, a trainer in need of obstacles, or an individual with a dog and a backyard, there are a variety of affordable, easy-to-install products to create an engaging backyard dog park.

Benefits of Exercise

Our canine friends need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and fit – both physically and mentally. On average, dogs need 30-60 minutes of exercise (the kind that wears them out) each day. Of course, different breeds and sizes require more or less. Consult your veterinarian first if your dog is obese and/or has any health concerns. The vet will advise what length and intensity level is right for your pet. Additionally, listen to your pet. If they show signs of exhaustion or a lack of interest, it may be time to call it a day.

Exercise keeps your pet fit and limber while reducing behavioral problems such as excessive licking, barking, chewing, and digging. Just like in humans, exercise releases endorphins and lowers anxiety, which limits destructive behavior while increasing happiness. What’s better than a happy dog?

Agility training provides an opportunity to increase trust between owner/trainer and canine. Hence, it is more productive than regular exercise. Dogs feel a sense of purpose when they complete tasks for rewards. Plus, they enjoy spending time bonding with human friends. After a mental and physical workout session, dogs are calmer and get better sleep.

Exercise Benefits at a Glance
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Active joints = less pain
  • Reduce behavioral issues
  • Release endorphins
  • Build trust
  • Lower anxiety

Build a Backyard Dog Park

So, you know how important exercise is, but it’s difficult to achieve because:

  • you don’t have the means to go to the dog park each day
  • anxious/aggressive dogs cause your anxiety/aggression to rise
  • nearby parks have scarce or outdated equipment

If any of these situations apply to you, it’s time to build a backyard dog park. Although the task may seem overwhelming, there are plenty of easy-to-install products to build the perfect spot for you and your pooch.

Before jumping in, be sure to plan. Survey available space and decide on your goals. Then choose the best equipment that fits your needs. For example, variety and complexity are key when it comes to show dogs, while the average terrier may only need a couple play options to stay healthy and happy.

Remember, there are no mandatory items that every dog park needs. While an apartment complex’s primary focus may be waste stations, an individual might be more concerned about having a teeter totter or a seating area. Although, one thing to keep in mind, every dog loves a pet drinking fountain.

Canine Condo green

Have questions? Starting a project? Need additional help? Contact us and a friendly agent will get back to you.

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